Monday, May 19, 2008

May post....

I haven't written for quite a long time. I do not know what to write...

I am actually having classes this summer just to have something to do. I do not like it when I am getting bored. I also don't want to stay inside the house and do all the chores. Studying is actually one of my greatest excuse for not helping in those chores. I know I am evil....

After having more than 5 sessions here's a few things that I've learned.
1. Fixing a computer is quite easy... reading everything on the screen and listening carefully to the sounds the PC makes is the tricky part of it.
2. Installers... you can't get enough of it.
3. The motherboard is truly the mother of all boards...
4. If it does not sound the way it used to sound. It is probably broken.
5. If it does not look the way it used to look like. It is probably broken.

and a lot more...

I've also finished one story... the next thing I'm going to do is post it here...

well that's all for tonight.

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