Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Baguio 2018!

I went to Baguio again. This is like my 2nd time to go to Baguio this year alone. LOL. Two of my officemates are celebrating their birthday on this trip so I have been craving for Vizco's cake ever since we planned this trip. 

The accommodation was from Airbnb and we hired a van to go there and tour us around. Everything was prepared by someone else and I don't really plan to put the details here. Anyway, our itinerary is mostly DIY, but this is Baguio so everything is just there already. 

So like I said I've been to Baguio earlier this year so to make my trip a little more exciting, I’ve decided to do a vlog or something. 

Thus, here’s my 3-part video of the 2 day trip.

Part 1

 Arrival and first half of day 1

Part 2
 After sleeping and the darker half of the day

Part 3
 Day 2 and going home

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