Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bye bye 2011.. you shall be remembered well

In a few hours 2011 will finally end but I will never forget all the things this year had brought me.

I met a lot of interesting people, some of them even left a deep impression on me which I would never forget. I admit that I don’t agree to some of them and I know that I won’t see some of the people I met but I enjoyed meeting them, knowing them and being with them. I wish I could know them better next year.

I also learned so many things this year, which can help me continue on with my life. I had my share of bad experiences and good ones. I had a lot of major and minor problems this year. Some of those problems made me rethink my life again and again. There are times where I just don’t know where I had gone wrong but since I’m still alive and happy I know it all ended well. So now, I can look back and laugh at those stupid times and harvest the things I learned from that. I cried, I laughed but most of all I learned.

I do not regret anything I did this year for it had let me to these experiences and if I didn’t make at least one of those decisions then my whole 2011 might have been entirely different.

So, thank you 2011!  I hope you exceed my expectations 2012!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I'm practicing a song - Invisible

My laptop got stolen a few days ago among with other things inside our apartment. I won't re-tell that story because I felt that I told it to my friends so many times already...

Anyway, because of that I am now very bored. All my files are gone and all the unifinished video and audio projects will have to be postponed until I get my hands on another laptop or PC I can work those with. I plan to use my PC at home but I won't be coming home until December. So all my plans would have to wait...

So I'm bored and this was done out of boredom: (I also think it's about time to post something new here)

Click here to listen to the post.

About the song

[Title] Invisible
[originally sang by] Leah
[From] Eden of the East: King of Eden

Monday, November 14, 2011

UP AME 2011

Just posting UP AME 2011 pics! 

well you could tell from the pics that it was fun~ 

Next year uli! 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The new certain me

To that certain you somewhere out there,

Hey, I did it. I managed to experience the same thing you felt. I finally managed to step into the world you belonged to when I met you back then. I finally managed to be the one at the center of the stage, the one that people watched. I finally achieved something I only dreamt of doing. The same thing I saw you doing. Although I’m sure it wasn’t the same thing. I’m sure that if it was you then you won’t be blinded by the bright lights. I’m sure that if it was you then you won’t shake like I did. I’m sure you would be calm. I’m sure that you won’t be amazed by your own shadow or your own reflection. I’m sure you would be more focused. I’m sure you would know what you are doing when you are doing it.

Yes, of course, it would be different.

But you know what… I’m happy it was different. I have my experiences and you have yours. I don’t know anything about your experiences and because of that I can be proud of mine. I don’t know everything you felt and in that case I can treasure all the things I felt.
It was exhilarating. Until now, when weeks had passed, I can still remember it like it happened just a moment ago. I danced, I sang and I acted. I wasn’t afraid and I had so much fun. I didn’t care what people would think of me. I didn’t care about the problems I was experiencing that time. I casted off everything that I normally am and became a totally different person.  I didn’t even care to listen to the audience’s clap or cheering the whole time. During that time, I didn’t perform to please everyone else.

I did it for me.

Back then, I just wanted to do my best… and I think I did. I think that was my best. Maybe in some other time, when I would be fortunate enough to be given a second chance, then I would perform even better than my best.

So will I stop? Of course not. I have felt how fun it is and how hard it is, so if God will give me another shot at it then I will go for it!

However, I will not forget that you had been an inspiration for me. The desire to be a part of that world even burned greater because of you. I will never forget that day when I watched you on stage and cried on the way home. For that single instance, I thank you. You may not know me but I’m forever thankful.

Hoping you are still performing until now,
The certain me.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Reasons why I like working at night.

Yes, I do work at night but that doesn't automatically makes me a call center agent. Seriously, I do not like talking to random angry people on the phone. hehe.

If you would read everything here you will soon notice how unsociable I sound. I am not really friendly. I am just nice but not friendly "feeling close" type. That is why I really love my friends because (I think) they can understand me even when I'm like this :P That made me cherish them even more.

Anyway, moving on to the main point of this blog. Here are my reasons why I like working at night:

1. Because there's no sun. Since it's nighttime of course, I won't get burned by the sun and thus, my skin won't darken. I go out of the office around 6-7 AM and even if I do see the sun in the morning when I go home, it is still not as bright as it is during 12pm where people usually go out for lunch. XD

2. Because of reason #1 I can wear black clothes or long-sleeves. I studied in UP, Los Baños and during the entirety of my stay I noticed that my dark colored clothes usually stayed at the back of the closet.  I barely wear them. Also, I don't have any shirt that has sleeves longer than my elbow. Now, since there's no sun to worry about I can wear them freely.

Now you may say that "but you can still wear them even if you're in the dayshift since the office is air-conditioned anyway and the sun won't get you once inside." Yes. But since I don't have a car (I don't even want to learn how to drive) I have to commute. Just thinking about wearing longsleeves while inside the MRT or jeepney or even while walking to the office is already making me uncomfortable. So no.

3. Transportation is faster. I usually go out of the house around 8:30 PM. By this time traffic is already moderate. I don't know why, but traffic is lighter during that time compared to going out at 7:00 PM. If there's a reason I can think of it may be "rush hour is over"? But I really am not sure. I live 30 minutes away from the office so I don't pass by the main roads like EDSA or something... but I'm taking this events into consideration: if I go to the office around 7:00PM I get there in 35-45 minutes. If I go out at 8:30 beyond it would just be around 30 minutes or less. Of course other factors should be taken into consideration like when the jeepney driver wanted to wait for passengers etc. This is also the same when I'm going home from the office. There aren't much cars before 7 AM so getting home is a breeze.

4. Avoiding social stuff. Yes, it is sad that all of my friends are going to see this movie one Friday night and I still can't go because I have work until Saturday morning but I try to be positive by thinking this way: at least I avoided spending money. So by avoiding these night-outs especially the ones held on a Friday night I get to save money to spend on other stuff like food I want to eat or cosplay. Yey! \^o^/

5. It's quiet. It's nighttime so there's less people in the office. Solitude and less pressure. :P

6. Everyone's sleeping. So there's no one that would bug me while I'm working. There're less distractions at night. No one is going to talk to me in Facebook (except for my friends on the other side of the globe but they aren't that many) or send me texts. Because more than half of my friends are sleeping, I will never be tempted to check their status every five minutes since it would be the same the whole night long. Same concept with twitter or plurk. Because of this I can focus on working and get the job done at once so I could distract yourself with other things like reading manga, watching anime and/or sleeping. Also since they aren't updating at all I can read everything they had written for the whole day. Yes it would be less interactive but I imagine how happy my friend will be to see me reply to everything s/he posted. I have all the time in the world anyway... well as soon as I get my task done. I was paid to work not to talk to my friends anyway. =_=

7. "You would know who really cares. They are the ones who would stay all night or most of it just to be there for you." LOL. Just adding this here.

8. Sunday night... everyone is sleeping early for work EXCEPT FOR ME.

9. Monday morning... I see people rushing to go to work while I lie down on my bed with a smile.

10. It's dangerous outside since it's dark and because of that I have all the right to bring around self-defense things... taser, balisong, pepper spray, cutter, knife... sword, crossbow, whip, axe, nunchucks ... sweet. *evil grin*

I know there are more disadvantages but I don't want to write about that. :T I also know that there are more advantages and these reasons are quite simple but I am not thinking of those right now that's why they aren't here. :P

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ozine 2011 and other things

Yup I went to a convention called Ozine 2011 after a long time that I haven't been into any conventions before I've been so busy with work but thank goodness that I still have time to enjoy things like this.

I haven't written in this blog for the longest time because of the same reason. I only have internet at the office and I can't really write my blog while in there... right? I guess I can... but that would just be irresponsible.

Anyway here are pictures from Ozine 2011

To know the masked person that occasionally pops up in the pictures click here. Somehow even if he's my only companion attending this convention I was still happy. Uhh... I'm always happy when I'm with him. Hahaha. I should shut up now. ^_________^

Anyway, I'm also attending classes this summer... what kind of classes? I'll post it some day... hehehe...

I also bought a second-hand phone because my old phone is really starting to bug me. No one can call me properly on that phone and most of the time it shows me a white screen... how could I contact anyone with that? So there... new phone... and it's purple... and I'm very happy about it.

Well that's all for now. I want to blog about something else but I want to sleep now... so I guess next time will do.

Monday, February 21, 2011

This weekend...

if this picture isn

This weekend I went to LB. I was supposed to go to Komikstrip but I didn't wake up early so I missed everything... yup... everything... I didn't even go inside.

Well somehow I was thankful for not going inside. I might "accidentally" buy things like manga or comics. I can't really spend so much right now since I have to buy a bag and I think there's something else I need to save my money for.

So I met up with friends and we decided to do something else. I also got a copy of our game. It looks awesome hahaha. I'm not being biased but considering how short the time we had to do it, it was pretty cool to actually make something like this. The stories they had told me about the people who tried our game were all funny. They didn't even realized that the character they were playing was a girl. Maybe putting 'What a beautiful day... and I'm a girl.' should be done in the beginning of the game. Just to make things clear before they can proceed. Hahaha. But of course I'm not serious about this. I think... XD

Anyway, I really wished I can go to Feb fair though... I somehow want to buy something like this...

if you don 

It's cute. It's comfortable. It's warm on my head... and it's a wolf hat! I just wish that I would find where I can buy these things. I want a wolf on my head as well... without killing any animals.

So as usual... we sang. It was the usual karaoke place that we always go to if we want to sing Japanese songs. I really think this is becoming a habit of mine. I truly enjoy singing with my friends. Even if we can't read Japanese (well kanji to be exact), or we are not hitting the right notes we still keep on singing... it's just pure fun!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Compulsory valentines post

A few years ago I remember posting in this same blog almost on the same day with nothing but hate and pain inside my heart.

I do believe that back then I would never even think that this day would come. I celebrated Valentines with nothing but joy inside my heart. Although it's funny since I celebrated Valentines with the same person from the earlier post... so I wonder... what changed?

Have I learned my lesson now that I shouldn't be expecting too much? Had he learned his lesson that he should appreciate me more? Did I be more contented in what I have? Are we more mature now?

I would never know the answer to these things but... who cares? As long as I am happy now and not crying my heart out then it should be good. That's what really matters anyway, right?

So just to fill up space... because I haven't written in this blog for more than a month... I would write a general Valentines thingy based purely on my opinion and from what I've learned in life


Imagine this situation...
You go inside a restaurant you've never been in. The menu overhead looks delicious but you've heard many bad things (as well as good things) about the food in that place. You're in a dilemma... shall you try eating there or not?

Tried but everything was bad
You tried the food there but it was just not good... mediocre would not even describe the food you've eaten. You wasted your money and your time for eating there . You even got sick because the food was just bad.

Didn't order anything and left
You left. You will never know how good or bad the food was. You turn around and leave because you are afraid to explore things you didn't know about. So until now you would wonder what would have happened if you take the risk...

Okay... somehow I tried to connect the situation with love. If you can see the connection already then you're thinking the same way I do... if you don't.. well try to understand what I'm saying here. Please.

Love can only be understood once you actually felt it. Seeing it in movies, reading it in books or just knowing about it from different mediums will never cut it. It might give you the feeling of what you want to have but can never tell you what you will really have once you're in that situation. Sometimes the things you know about love based on those mediums may look like the real thing but somehow it would not be exactly the same. For one... the person you love might now be a vampire *rolls eyes*.

It's the same as how food looks so delicious in commercials or how everything seems perfect in TV: the cheese melts perfectly, the toothpaste have that twirl in the end, everyone loves burgers... well it may have similar resemblance in real life but once you're there you would know the difference.

So you've seen the commercial, heard good and bad stories from people who've experienced it and have known all about it... but would that be enough for you to try it and once you try it would you enjoy the feeling or would you have a bad stomachache.. or in terms of love, a broken heart.

You could just turn around and forever ask yourself a lot of "what if it was like this" or "what if it was like that".

You could also try it and in the end cry under the pouring cold water from your shower, curse the day you knew the person and be bitter about love...

or you could be the third one

Tried it... and just be happy
There is no such thing as "happily ever after" in eating in some restaurant or fast food... you would just enjoy the food while you're consuming it. Just be happy that you're there with your hunger satiated. You will come back for more or try the new things that will be presented to you. You may not like the other things on the menu or may be sad that some of the items you've loved will be gone.

But that's just the way life is. That's just how restaurants are... and more importantly that's just how people are. Nothing is constant so try to appreciate them while they are still there. You would never know when the place will close down or when your loved one will be taken from this life.

uhm... I don't know what to say anymore so I guess this will be my last paragraph. Don't be afraid to step inside and try it. Be it love or a new restaurant. Who knows... you might actually like it and you might even grow old with it and I'm speaking for both your loved one and the restaurant.
