Today I got my costume. I am going to cosplay Suiseiseki from Rozen Maiden. I don't know if I would give that character justice. I just hope I do.
If there is something wrong about cosplaying it is the fact that some people don't give justice to the character they are cosplaying. No matter how people say that they don't look a bit like the character they are cosplaying they still go on and cosplay. I think it is a strange kind of courage and a lot of passion. No matter how we think that what they are doing is wrong I think we should give them a chance. We cant do anything if they are too skinny, or too fat... if they are took dark-skinned or too white... if they are not of the right gender...
I think cosplaying is just a matter of bringing out the passion burning inside each cosplayer's heart.
We should not discourage one who wants to cosplay it's like putting out their burning passion. However if you really think that the world would laugh at your friend like the way you are laughing then tell him or her the honest truth. Just don't discourage him or her.
I would like to post some pics of my costumes... note COSTUMES but cosplayer NOT INCLUDED!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
A boring yet very busy day...
I have lots of things to do today. First, I have to study for my exams tomorrow. Then I also need to practice my story for an activity in SPCM1. I also need to fins a sponsor for our activity of the org. I wish I could graduate right away but then again after I graduate I will work and have lots of things to do again. So what do I really want? Death?
Yesterday we were talking about PMS or Personal Mission Statement. It was our quiz and here is my answer:
"My personal mission is to die -to die knowing that I've already done what I want and need to do... to die knowing that the people I love would be happy even without me."
Frankly, what I really want in life is to be rich and to publish at least one novel. I would even be happier if my novel would become a best-seller or better -a movie! But all those are just dreams.
I don't really care for I admit that I am a dreamer and as a dreamer dreaming is what I do the best.
However being a pro dreamer (as if there is one... well maybe) you should show the world (or at least a percentage of it) that you've already accomplished your dream.
Random post... random thoughts... in this ever so random life.
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Nymph's Reply to the shepherd
If all the world and love were young
and truth in every shepherd's tongue,
These pretty pleasures might me move,
To live with thee and be thy love.
Times drive the flocks from field to fold,
When rivers rage, and rocks grow cold,
And Philomel becometh dumb;
The rest comlpains of cares to come.
The flowers do fade, and wanton fields
To wayward Winter reckoning yields;
A honey tongue, a heart of gall,
Is fancy's spring, but sorrow's fall
Thy gowns, thy shoes, thy beds of roses,
Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies,
Soon break, soon wither, soon forgotten,
In folly ripe, in reason rotten.
Thy belt of straw and ivy buds,
Thy coral clasps and amber studs,
All these in me no means can move,
To come to thee and be thy love.
But could Youth last, and Love still breed,
Had Joys no date, nor Age no need,
Then these delights my mind might move,
To live with thee and be thy love.
---Sir Walter Raleigh
Saturday, January 5, 2008
The UP Diliman Trip
I have no more money. If I were that rich then I would go to MOA [Mall of Asia] or some other malls out of whim... but I was forced to go to Diliman... and it turned out to be one hell of an adventure. 
oble... the UPD version

We then decided to go to Palma Hall next so that Ecay could look for the book she needed for her research. She was having a hard time maybe because her topic is not that easy to find. However, Palma Hall and all it's rooms... well except for the C.R.... are closed. It's a Saturday. Understandable.

We then walked and walked, trying to find libraries and the references we need.
I don't know... I think we're lost.
Related videos...(Parental Guidance is recommended ^_^;)
oble... the UPD version
We woke up e
xtra early that day... no matter how freezing the temperature is or how cold the morning shower is... we still managed to wake up and get ready to leave the vicinity of UPLB.
<---this is my roommate Airish... she's inside the bus. ^_^
<---this is my roommate Airish... she's inside the bus. ^_^
We took the HM bus until SM Megamall then took another bus so that we could take a jeep to go inside UP Diliman. UPD is not that different from my beloved UPLB... even thou
gh considering biases of course I would say that UPLB has a more pleasant atmosphere than that of Diliman.
Ecay, Airish and Maia while waiting for another roommate--->
(wala pang suklay yan! >.<)
Ecay, Airish and Maia while waiting for another roommate--->
(wala pang suklay yan! >.<)
So then after seeing ate Sheila we went to the Main Library. Since my ID was not validated I cannot enter the building (stupid Ren-chan!). So Ate Sheila and I went to a random computer shop and searched the net. We went back to the Main Lib so that we could all eat our lunch. Since they were taking too long Ate Sheila and I decided to eat before them.
We then decided to go to Palma Hall next so that Ecay could look for the book she needed for her research. She was having a hard time maybe because her topic is not that easy to find. However, Palma Hall and all it's rooms... well except for the C.R.... are closed. It's a Saturday. Understandable.
We then walked and walked, trying to find libraries and the references we need.
But thanks to modern technology and of course the cellphone we did not get lost. You see Ate Sheila has a friend who works in Diliman and my high school classmate goes to Diliman. So we were both texting them for directions. Good thing we did not really got lost.
We then went to the College of Arts and Letters. We found nothing there. It was really quiet since there are no students. I also like LB this way. I like people but sometimes too much makes me want to kill them all... just joking. I just don't want too much noise those people make.
The roads even look cleaner when no one is around. Or maybe it is really clean. We then walked and walked. On Tuesday the University of the Philippines will be celebrating its 100 years. Too bad. This clean road will soon turn out to be a nightmare. I can imagine plastic bottles and trash everywhere. I just hope that the people would try to lessen their trash. It is such a pity that other people cannot appreciate cleanliness like this.
When we finally got hungry... err... again. We ate Pringles! Ate
Sheila prefers the green one but since I was with Airish when she bought the Pringles I picked out my favorite flavor -original! I love red. I also love Pringles.
<---me and my one true love. XD
We then went to the College of Arts and Letters. We found nothing there. It was really quiet since there are no students. I also like LB this way. I like people but sometimes too much makes me want to kill them all... just joking. I just don't want too much noise those people make.
When we finally got hungry... err... again. We ate Pringles! Ate
<---me and my one true love. XD
So we ate and sat. Our feet are already sore from all that walking. Since the sun is setting we decided to go home already. We still have a long way to go back to our beloved UPLB. We decided to ride an MRT. Actually this was the first time I would ride it without my parents. I was a little scared. Added to that fact I also saw three firefighter truck while we were going to the terminal. Is that an omen? I hope not. But when we got there it was fine. We rode the MRT and got to our destination in no time. We sat on the cart where only females are allowed. In that way we can avoid being crowded. 
We then went to SM Megamall. Since Maia and Ecay must go home early they decided to leave us in SM. There we ate dinner and then went home.
It was a very tiring day but it was fun.
We then went to SM Megamall. Since Maia and Ecay must go home early they decided to leave us in SM. There we ate dinner and then went home.
It was a very tiring day but it was fun.
Related videos...(Parental Guidance is recommended ^_^;)
Thursday, January 3, 2008
First day of classes for the year 2008

This is the view of the Humanities Building when you are sitting at the stairs in Pisay... Only on UPLB!
That is right folks... classes are finally starting.
Although I know what I want to do from now on -to be more studious and try to be wiser or something like that, I still don't know when and how I'm going to start that. It's not a New Year's resolution since I know that having one would not have any effect on me but it's more of a self-reminder.
I hope this oncoming year (2008) would have a good effect on me... I also hope to pass all my subject now.
I found it weird to talk about taking double-degrees... I don't want to study [again] after college. I don't really mind that I can't apply all the things I have learned from my lessons because I know that I'll have some use for it some day... and I don't really mind being famous. I just want to have money to live I don't want to be rich.
Okay, I have a dream or two but I know that it would not come true as of now... that's why I hate the future it makes people even more conscious that they are not contented of what they have as of the moment... but then again... looking into the future makes you try to think of what you're next setp would be.
I know what exactly my next step would be and that is to publish this post. I take everything a step at a time. I plan the moment I wake up and check before I go to sleep if my plans were fulfilled. Yes, I only have short term goals but that can keep me functioning until the day I die.
As for my long term goals... this is not the right time to think about it.
Sometimes I hate myself because of this. I seem to slack off... but then again... not.
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